October 21, 2021

Thursday, October 21, 2021 

Our Sunday Service at 10:00 a.m. is in person. 

   Masks and social distancing are required in the Sanctuary. We'd love to see you (an hour in a  mask really isn't too bad!)

8 am Service Resumes in November!

Our 8 am Holy Eucharist service will resume on Sunday November 7th. We look forward to welcoming back our "8 o'clockers". If you would like to assist with coffee hour for these services, please email Laurie DeBiasse at office@stpaulschatham.org.

Our livestream is available and will continue indefinitely on www.facebook.com/stpaulschatham and on our YouTube channel St. Paul's Episcopal Church Chatham, NJ - YouTube

Please note: This Sunday is the fourth Sunday of the month. There will be a family friendly homily during the service, in lieu of Sunday School.

Sunday School will meet in person on the first three Sundays of each month, and there will be an adult friendly children's homily on the 4th Sunday.

Please register your children online at the link below.

Reminder: Return Your Journey with St. Paul's Note Cards this Sunday

In her sermon last Sunday Rev. Ellen invited everyone to answer questions about their journey to, and with, St. Paul's and offer some thoughts on our future together. For example, How did God lead you to St. Paul's?, What made you choose to stay? What do you love most about this community? How do you envision the next chapter in the life of the parish? Please return those cards this Sunday, placing them in the collection plate or you can email yours to ellen@stpaulschatham.org.

Halloween Party
Sunday, October 31st
11:15 am!

Join us after the service on October 31st for some Halloween fun! Kids and adults are all welcome to join us. There will be a costume contest, activities, treats and more! Please sign up here

Save the Date! 

Advent Wreath Making Event, Sunday, November 28th
Save the date for our Advent Wreath Making event after church on Advent 1.
Supplies will be provided for each family. If you would like to make a wreath please email rev. Ellen at

Parish Resource List

We are creating a Parish Resource List and are looking for recommendations. If you have reliable service professionals that you trust,(or you are one!), please let us know. We are looking for the following and more:
Handy persons, plumbers, electricians, contractors (general, roofing, paving, tree, etc.), mechanics, doctors, home health care providers, and physical therapists.

If you have recommendations, please email them to office@stpaulschatham.org

Run/Walk to Benefit Family Promise

For more information or to register, click here

Coffee Hour   

Coffee Hour after the 10:00am service has been a tradition at St. Paul's for many, many years. It is a wonderful time to chat with friends, enjoy refreshments and enjoy our fellowship. In order to ensure that we have this opportunity each week, we are looking for volunteers to sign up to 'host' Coffee Hour by bringing in individually-wrapped snacks and juice boxes to go with the coffee provided (and started by Sam!). Another essential role of the coffee hour host is setting up and cleaning up afterwards. Coffee Hour will be in the Parish Hall beginning Sunday, October 10th, due to weather and bee season!
Please sign up to help on the poster in the Parish Hall!

Ministry Volunteers Needed!

For those of you who are looking for a place to volunteer some time at St. Paul’s, I’d like to introduce you to the Altar Guild and invite you to join us on our committee. The AG has the responsibility of setting up and then cleaning up the altar for church each week, as well as special occasions. We are broken up into four teams with each team having an assigned week once a month. We gather on Saturday fill candles and set up communion for the next day’s service. After church on Sunday we clean and put away what was used. All teams chip in to help with Christmas and Easter. It isn’t difficult and is a great way to get to know other parishioners.

If you would like to join us, or have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
Ann Lowe 908-313-2770 annlowe024@gmail.com

News from The Episcopal Church

Church in Michigan to partner with brewery, Churches in England to ring bells for climate change, and more

News from the Diocese of Newark

Hurricane Ida and its effects around the Diocese, and more

Music Notes 

Special choral anthems this Sunday!
The offertory anthem, Love Bade Me Welcome, features a magnificent solo by
Greg Voiner. The Communion anthem, What Perfect Love, features a beautiful solo by soprano, Andi Campbell.

Love songs for church! What a concept, but perfectly fitting, no? The Ralph Vaughan Williams (first name, by the way, is pronounced Rafe), is one of a set of five works, some of which feature a baritone solo. The choir will be seated in the front row of the church, and, since their only part is a quiet accompaniment sung on "ah", they will remain facing forward. I think you will appreciate the effect.

The second anthem will be sung from the balcony, since it works best with the organ. It's vintage Rutter, with a beautiful melody, followed by a choral verse.

The prelude is perfect for what sometimes is known as Creation Season, and you will certainly hear the flute call throughout most of the work. The postlude, on the other hand, dialogues one of the large trumpet stops with the rest of the organ, and is pretty exciting! So, we'll end with a bang.

Jim Little
Choir Director


We ask your prayers this week for Kim, the King family, Andy, the Kellogg family, Gloria, Sam, Matt, Marky, Sarah, Chris, Mary, John, Sophia, Michael, Ray, David, Marilyn, and Mark.
In the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer, we ask your prayers this week for St. Mark's Church, Mendham, St. Stephen's Church, Millburn, and All Saints' Church, Millington.


October 28, 2021


October 7, 2021