October 28, 2021

Thursday, October 28, 2021 


Our Sunday Service at 10:00 a.m. is in person.  Masks and social distancing are required in the Sanctuary. We'd love to see you (an hour in a  mask really isn't too bad!). Our livestream is available and will continue indefinitely on www.facebook.com/stpaulschatham and on our YouTube channel St. Paul's Episcopal Church Chatham, NJ - YouTube

8 am Service Resumes in November!

Our 8 am Holy Eucharist service will resume on next Sunday, November 7th. We look forward to welcoming back our "8 o'clockers". If you would like to assist with coffee hour for these services, please email Laurie at office@stpaulschatham.org.

Sunday School Information

Sunday School will meet in person on the first three Sundays of each month, and there will be an adult friendly children's homily on the 4th Sunday. Please register your children online here: https://www.stpaulschatham.org/sunday-school-registration

Music Notes 

I realize I had the same prelude listed last week, forgetting that I couldn't be at the piano and the organ at the same time. The prelude is perfect for what sometimes is known as Creation Season, and you will certainly hear the flute call throughout most of the work.

The postlude is my favorite Halloween piece, with the melody in the pedals under a slightly scary rapid passage on the manuals. However, it does end with a wonderful series of cheerful major chords!
What fun to be back singing hymns! Can't wait to hear you all!

Jim Little
Choir Director


We ask your prayers this week for Kim, the King family, Andy, the Kellogg family, Gloria, Sam, Matt, Marky, Sarah, Chris, Mary, John, Sophia, Michael, Ray, David, Marilyn, and Mark.

Transition Committee

Look forward to a brief update from Jim Mollo during the 10:00 a.m. service on Sunday on the work the Transition Committee is doing on our search for a new Rector.

Reminder: Return Your Journey with St. Paul's Note Cards this Sunday

In her sermon last Sunday Rev. Ellen invited everyone to answer questions about their journey to, and with, St. Paul's and offer some thoughts on our future together. For example, How did God lead you to St. Paul's?, What made you choose to stay? What do you love most about this community? How do you envision the next chapter in the life of the parish? Please return those cards this Sunday, placing them in the collection plate or you can email yours to ellen@stpaulschatham.org.


Halloween Party
Sunday, October 31st
11:15 am!

Join us after the service on October 31st for some Halloween fun! Kids and adults are all welcome to join us. There will be a costume contest, activities, treats and more! Please sign up here

Upcoming Events

All Saints Sunday, November 7th, Names For Remembrance 

We will celebrate All Saints Sunday on November 7th. It's our tradition at St. Paul's to honor those who have died in the past year by reading their names during the prayers of the people and listing their names in the bulletin. We will also create an additional printed list of those who have passed away in previous years. If you would like to honor a loved one, please email Laurie at office@stpaulschatham.org.

Join us for Stewardship Sundays
November 7th and 14th

Join us for worship on Stewardship Sundays when parishioners Frank Willis (November 7th) and Shirly Wu (November 14th) will speak about their time at St. Paul's and why stewardship is important to their spiritual journeys.

Looking Ahead to Advent

Advent is a special time for reflection and prayer. We will have several events happening this Advent which we hope will enrich you all in body, mind, and spirit including Advent Wreath Making, a weekly Advent Zoom Supper Group, an Advent zoom Book Group in collaboration with St.Stephen's Millburn and Christ Church Short Hills, and Daily audio Advent reflections available online. Detailed information will be sent out soon.


Chatham Interfaith Thanksgiving Service

Tuesday, November 23rd, 7 pm
Chatham United Methodist Church
460 Main St., Chatham

Advent Wreath Making Event, Sunday, November 28th

Save the date for our Advent Wreath Making event after church on Advent 1. Supplies will be provided for each family. If you would like to make a wreath please email Rev. Ellen at ellen@stpaulschatham.org



Vestry Update

The most recent Vestry meeting was held on October 20th and ran for over two hours as there are many important and positive updates happening. The transition committee is completing required paperwork and will soon interview candidates for our new minister. An incredible amount of work is happening on buildings and grounds including flooding abatement, tree removals, and carpet and flooring replacement. Stewardship season is upon us with Frank Willis and Shirley Wu providing testimony on November 7 and 14 respectively. The Stewardship letter will go out next week, and Sunday November 21st, pledge cards will be returned during the service. To date, pledge income is down significantly, but expectations are it will pick up by the end of the year.

Eric Leininger
Senior Warden

Something New at St. Paul's!
A Home Office Away From Home

Are you working remotely and in need of a quiet place to work away from the distractions of home? Well, now you can have it. We are offering quiet work spaces in the church for parishioners who need a home office away from home. We have a few areas available including the conference room, vestry library. If you're interested, please email Laurie at office@stpaulschatham.org.

Run/Walk to Benefit Family Promise

For more information or to register, click here

Coffee Hour   

Coffee Hour after the 10:00am service has been a tradition at St. Paul's for many, many years. It is a wonderful time to chat with friends, enjoy refreshments and enjoy our fellowship. In order to ensure that we have this opportunity each week, we are looking for volunteers to sign up to 'host' Coffee Hour by bringing in individually-wrapped snacks and juice boxes to go with the coffee provided (and started by Sam!). Another essential role of the coffee hour host is setting up and cleaning up afterwards. Coffee Hour will be in the Parish Hall beginning Sunday, October 10th, due to weather and bee season! Please sign up to help on the poster in the Parish Hall!

Please Support the Community of St. John Baptist

To order, please email through this link: http://store.bookbaby.com/book/not-just-an-ordinary-pony

News from The Episcopal Church

Compline, zoom classes on journaling, health equity, and more
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s opening remarks for Executive Council: October 25, 2021

In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, we ask your prayers this week for The Episcopal / Anglican Province of Alexandria.

News from the Diocese of Newark

Diocesan Commission on Anti-Racism

In the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer, we ask your prayers this week in thanksgiving for the Standing Committee.


November 4, 2021


October 21, 2021