March 26, 2020
When Jesus changed water into wine at a wedding – his first miracle – he began with jars the steward already had on hand. Then Jesus asked them to fill those jars with water, also on hand, and from that he created wine. Similarly, when Jesus fed 5,000 people he began with the five loaves and two fish already on hand. Jesus always used what was present for his ministry.
During this time of social distancing, we too are making use of the resources (including Zoom – see instructions below, and Facebook) we already have on hand to create community, provide comfort and support, and to continue our ministry in the community. Of course, the Holy Spirit is working through us in new and unique ways, but I am grateful that the Spirit’s creativity and power is never contained.
Here is how God is using us to continue our worship and ministry this coming week:
Upcoming Events
*Saturday, March 28th 10:00am “Unraveled: Seeking God When Our Plans Fall Apart” Bible Study via Zoom. To join, click this link at 10am on Saturday. Zoom Bible Study "Unraveled"
Meeting ID: 935 507 364
Password: 020771
*Sunday, March 29th Lent 5: Live-streamed worship at 10am. OR Followed by Zoom “Coffee Hour” at 10:30am:
*Tuesday, March 31st 12:00pm Noontime Prayer Noontime Prayer
*Wednesday, April 1st 7:00pm Children’s Chapel and Compline Children's Chapel and Compline
*Thursday, April 2nd 12:00pm Noontime Prayer Noontime Prayer
Holy Week and Easter Update
Following Governor Murphy’s prohibition of any public gathering, our Bishop, Rt. Rev. Carlye Hughes has asked us to walk through Holy Week and Easter worship in our homes. To that end, we will be offering Live-streamed worship on Palm Sunday (April 5), Maundy Thursday (April 9) and Good Friday (April 10), as well as Easter Sunday (April 12). While I am truly disappointed to not be able to hear the soaring strains of “Jesus Christ is Risen Today!” with you all, I have no doubt that Jesus is alive and moving in each of us, and that we will experience Easter in a powerful way this year. Remember, that first Easter took place in the quiet of the morning, the day was filled with fear and uncertainty, the disciples simply gathered in one home together, and the Risen Christ’s first words to his disciples were “Peace be with you!” This year, our worship at home will no doubt be enriched by all of those things!
Morris Country Interfaith Food Pantry: Continue to support our local food pantry with your donations of pasta, beans, and canned food. The donation basket has been moved to the lower level (by the parking lot door).
North Porch: Women and children need our donations of diapers, pull-ups, and baby formula more than ever. You may also drop supplies off, using the parking lot door, next to the office. Thank you to so many who have bought and donated in bulk!
Face Masks
If you have sewing skills, please help Overlook hospital’s healthcare workers. See for instructions and materials to use.
Other Announcements
Pastoral Care: Last week, we divided our parish directory into teams of 6-7 people in order to keep us better connected. Of course, Rev. Ellen and I are available to talk, either by video or phone, at any time. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have a pastoral concern or need! Also, during this time of high anxiety, please know that an abundance of mental health resources can be found online at National Alliance on Mental Health
College and High School Youth: Rev. Ellen is coordinating Zoom calls and other “socially distant” events for our High School and COLLEGE students home from school. If you are not on her contact list already, please email Rev. Ellen your name and cell phone number so she can add you to the group!
Ella DuBose’s mailing address: Some of you have requested Ella’s address after hearing about Bill’s death on March 21, 2020. You may send your notes to: Ella DuBose, 733 Sweetbriar Road, Columbia, SC 29205.
Funerals and Burial Services: Our Bishop has addressed restrictions around funerals and memorial services with Diocesan clergy. At this time, we may live-stream a service from a funeral home, with less that 10 people present (that number includes the staff) OR we may preside at graveside with only 1 other person present. There is also the option to wait and hold a service after restrictions for gathering have been lifted. Of course, these rites and rituals are important on so many levels. It is my prayer that we will not need to put these limitations in practice.
Sunday Offertory: Our annual budget is supported by pledges as well as building use. Given restrictions on gathering, we are no longer receiving funds from building use and would appreciate your generosity at keeping up with your annual pledges. You may send checks by mail to the office, or donate electronically via our website – HERE THIS COMING SUNDAY (March 29th) we have an ANONYMOUS DONOR WHO HAS OFFERED $100 if we have 100 people present for our virtual worship! If you would like to match that donation ($100 for 100!), please let Rev. Mary know. Between now and Sunday, please invite your friends and family to worship with us at 10am then join us for a virtual (on-line) coffee hour.
Heartfelt Thanks! To Steve Piazza who has enabled us to launch a new/updated website. Check it out – and turn to it often for announcements and updates. Also, thanks to both Steve and Simon Mason who have been the broadcast team behind our live-streaming on Sunday mornings!
Chatham Communication during COVID-19: Please sign up for email communication from Chatham Borough during this time HERE .
Faithfully yours,
The Rev. Mary E. Davis
Holy Spirit, you blessed the first disciples with the power to spread God’s love throughout the world. Give us a new power to proclaim your word through the channels of technology and give us confidence in the face of change to embrace new things. Make us willing to receive that word as it enters our daily lives and immerse us in the power of your Providence. Guide those who send out the message and those who receive it, so that all people may come to know your truth and be renewed by your love. We ask this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.