March 19, 2020
Greetings in the name and comfort of Jesus Christ! As you know all too well, the dynamics of our daily lives have been changing day-to-day, sometimes hour-to-hour. Today, I want to remind you that the one constant in our lives is God’s presence, no matter what is swirling in your business, in the press, in the grocery stores, or in your make-shift home school! The author of the letter to the Hebrews (13:8) put it succinctly and definitively, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” The challenge I have, of course is living as if this is true. My pulse rises with every CDC announcement. My fears race every time I cough or sneeze. My patience is tested with everyone underfoot all day, every day. I’m sure you are experiencing the same type of anxiety. But that is precisely why we have each other - to share the hope of Christ and to hand it off whenever and wherever it is needed; to remind each other what hope looked like in the past, and to share how hope continues to live in our lives today. In order to do this in a time of “social distancing,” here are ways we will continue to connect and share the hope of Jesus Christ:
On Sunday mornings at 10am, Rev. Ellen, George Dredden, Simon Mason (our technical expert!), and I will Livestream our worship service. You may join us in one of two ways: on our Facebook page or, if you are not on Facebook, on our website The worship bulletin (thank you, Mary Jo!) will be uploaded on the website as well
Beginning next week, Rev. Ellen will be leading a Noontime prayer service on Tuesdays and Thursdays, allowing individuals to submit prayer requests through “comments,” and Rev. Mary will lead a short Children’s Compline Service at 7pm on Wednesdays. Again, all of these services may be found on
We realize that our teens are missing out on many of their spring semester rituals: sharing news of college acceptances, commiserating over college prep and testing, prom-posals, simply hanging out. In order to facilitate connection, Rev. Ellen is scheduling time to Zoom together and will also take advantage of Netflix’s offer to “Quarantine and Chill!” (ie. Watch movies together and chat on-line). If Rev. Ellen does not have your cell phone number, please text her at (973) 452-2496 to be added to the group.
To facilitate communication and connection in spite of the need for isolation, we are dividing the parish membership into small groups of 8. Groups will have a “team leader,” and include those who are at both higher- and lower-risk. Our hope is that families and individuals can connect, assist one another with errands or shopping, and pray together. Team Leaders will be connecting with you soon!
Serving our neighbor, the suffering and vulnerable remain the call of our baptism, and we continue our ministries even – and especially – at this time:
North Porch: Women and children who rely on North Porch for diapers, formula and wipes continue to need assistance. But at this time, as centers are being forced to close and new distribution systems put in place, they need monetary donations most of all. Your support is critical and most appreciated.
Family Promise: Our commitment to providing shelter for families without a home continues, although at this time, Family Promise is offering families shelter at local hotels. We will still provide dinners for the families on March 29th, 30th, and 31st. If you are available to help cook and deliver meals, please let Chris Johnson or Phil Ankel know asap.
Funding for St. Paul’s: Of course, the arrival of COVID-19 has meant that we cannot gather in person for worship. Yet we still need to pay our bills and be able to offer innovative ministries to adapt to this crisis. Please continue your support for our ministry by sending your checks to St. Paul’s or using an on-line banking tool.
Thank you all for your continued prayers and most of all for remembering what hope has looked like in the past while handing it off to one another now and in the weeks ahead.
Faithfully yours,
The Rev. Mary E. Davis
Holy Spirit, you blessed the first disciples with the power to spread God’s love throughout the world. Give us a new power to proclaim your word through the channels of technology and give us confidence in the face of change to embrace new things. Make us willing to receive that word as it enters our daily lives and immerse us in the power of your Providence. Guide those who send out the message and those who receive it, so that all people may come to know your truth and be renewed by your love. We ask this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.