March 13, 2020

March 13, 2020

Dear Faithful Friends,

Just days ago, I shared with you the preventative measures we put in place for our worship at St. Paul’s due to the coronavirus, COVID-19. This morning, however Diocesan Clergy met (via Zoom) with our Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Carlye J. Hughes, and she asked that we refrain from any public worship for the next three weeks to protect our community and slow the virus’ spread. She will reevaluate on March 30, 2020 to determine if we can gather again on Palm Sunday. 


So, on Sundays March 15th, March 22nd, and March 29th, Rev. Ellen, our seminarian George Dredden, and I will live-stream 10:00am worship on Facebook (facebook/ We will also post a link on our website on Sunday mornings, so that those without a Facebook account may also join us in worship. To help you follow along, especially with scripture readings, our weekly service bulletin will be uploaded to the St. Paul’s website (  


To be sure, even though we will not be gathering in person, our call as Christians remains the same. We are to keep connected with God, to one another, and serve our neighbor. That all will continue, albeit in creative ways that this season has demanded.


Some suggestions for on-line worship, study and reflection are: 


·       Resources: The Book of Common Prayer on-line –; Bible Browser (NRSV) –; Daily Office Lectionary –

·       Apps (my favorites): Pray-as-you-go (a daily scripture reading, reflection, and meditative music); Insight Timer (guided meditations); D365 (a daily devotional for youth with music, scripture, and meditation); Examen (a daily prompt to remember God’s presence, express gratitude and reflect on the day).


In addition, pastoral care will continue, utilizing phone calls and FaceTime. If you would like to assist with making calls, please let me know. But please reach out to one another frequently, and most especially check-in with the most vulnerable among us. 


More than anything else, pray. I know that volumes of books have been written about prayer, because sometimes it’s easier to read about it than actually do it. But it’s not complicated. The essence of prayer is relationship. And at this time, I especially remember Fred Rogers – aka Mr. Rogers – and how every morning, during his time swimming laps in a pool, he would pray for those in need, and his family and friends by name. Please know that I will be doing the same for each of you. Praying for you all, each by name, every day. 


Thank you for your support of St. Paul’s, for one another, and for me. Blessings in these days and weeks ahead. 


Faithfully yours, 



March 19, 2020