April 2, 2020
While this has been another challenging week, we are finding our footing here at St. Paul’s, adjusting to Vestry meetings, Bible study, prayer services, pastoral calls, Youth Group meetings, fellowship, and Sunday worship, all on-line.
Today, I want to speak specifically to our worship during Holy Week and Easter. Although our worship will be unlike any we’ve ever experienced, we are essentially connecting, spiritually with the early Christian church who worshipped very simply in homes. Worshipping at home is not something most of us are accustomed to, so I have offered some suggestions (below). And even though we are apart, we still have each other – virtually, and through the Holy Spirit and prayer – and we will absolutely be transformed by walking the journey through Christ’s Passion and Resurrection TOGETHER!
Here are some details regarding the week ahead:
Saturday, April 4th at 10am Join us via Zoom to reflect on Apostle Thomas’ ‘unraveling’ when the unimaginable has happened. Bring your Bible (John 20:19-29) and click the link here to join:
Meeting ID: 887 804 590 Password: 021100
We will live-stream worship on Sunday, April 5th at 10:00am at Palm Sunday Worship . If you are not on Facebook, you may watch the live-stream on our website St. Paul's Website Worship. The worship bulletin may also be downloaded from our website.
In lieu of our traditional Main Street bagpipe and palm procession, please enjoy a walk in nature (with proper social distancing of course!) and gather some budding branches, a flower, a stalk of forsythia, or even a potted plant. Be prepared to shout “Hosanna!” as we welcome Jesus into our homes. After we bless the branches, use them to begin building your Home-Holy-Week-Altar. Also have a candle and matches ready so we can light our candles together.
Following worship (approximately 10:45am), we gather again for our virtual Coffee Hour using Zoom. Just click this link to join: https://zoom.us/j/8606302667
Meeting ID: 860 630 2667
You may also use your iPhone to join by clicking this number: +16468769923,,8606302667# US (New York)
If you haven’t already designated place for worship at home, choose one place where you can gather during the coming week(s). Set out a tray or plate with candles, your Palm Sunday branch, a Bible, your Book of Common Prayer (if you have one, or you may print the pages you want: Morning, Evening Prayer, Compline for example) from Episcopal Book of Common Prayer. For more suggestions, please see this helpful page: How to set up a Prayer Table
Each day, April 6th, 7th, and 8th experience a Holy Week meditation led by Rev. Mary, Rev. Ellen, and seminarian George Dredden at 12noon on Live-stream Holy Week Meditation.
Wednesday evening at 7pm: Children's Chapel and Compline Prayer
Join with Christians around the world as we remember the last night Jesus spent with his friends and offered his new commandment to “Love one another.” The word “Maundy” is derived from the word “Commandment” and on this evening we will gather in the spirit and truth of that Love. Maundy Thursday Worship As with other services, the worship bulletin may be downloaded from our website.
GOOD FRIDAY APRIL 10th at 12NOON (*note change in time this year)
On Good Friday, we remember Jesus’ death on the cross. Join us as we read St. John’s Passion and pray the Solemn Collects for the Church and the world. While this is a solemn day, it is primarily a day to remember that “Love has you. Love is you. Love alone, and your deep need for love, recognizes love everywhere else.” (Richard Rohr) Good Friday Worship The worship bulletin may be found on our website.
EASTER SUNDAY APRIL 12th at 10:00am
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! By his great mercy we have been born anew to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” 1 Peter 1:3 Joyfully celebrate Jesus’ resurrection during our FESTIVE worship at 10am, live-streamed on Facebook Click Here for Easter Worship. The worship bulletin may be found on our website. To make this an especially festive day, in spite of not being together in the pews, here are some suggestions for the day:
1) Gather for a festive Breakfast with a printout of John 20:1-18. Serve breakfast and after reading the passage out loud, ask some reflective questions: “How do you think Mary felt when she went to the tomb that morning? What grabs you the most from this story? Mary refers to Jesus as “teacher.” How is Jesus a teacher for you? “Resurrection” means coming back to life – what are some things that remind you of resurrection in the world?”
2) After breakfast, get dressed up. Our worship and festive coffee hour theme is “Bonnets, Bow Ties, and Bells!” Find a bell in your home – a “jingle bell” from Christmas, a handbell, a bicycle bell, a dinner bell, a cow bell, a triangle, an alarm clock bell, or even your doorbell. When we gather for worship and for our Coffee Hour, we will ring these bells – along with the St. Paul’s church bells – for everyone to hear!
3) During our Festive Zoom Coffee Hour, (link will be sent next week) we will share ways that we are experiencing resurrection right now!
Each of you is in my prayers daily, and as always, please do not hesitate to reach out for additional prayer support or any need. Rev. Mary – rector@stpaulschatham.org or (908) 418-7699; and Rev. Ellen at ellen@stpaulschatham.org or (973) 452-2496.
We will LIVE-stream Easter worship (April 12, at 10am) from the St. Paul’s sanctuary and plan to have modest floral decorations around the altar as well as in the Memorial Garden. Donations for flowers will be gratefully received (in any amount). To make a contribution for Easter, please mail your check (with “Easter flowers” in memo line) to the Church Office, or donate on-line (“Memorial Flowers” in the drop down menu) HERE. Please note, for the sake of safety, flowers will benefit the community worshipping with us on-line, and will not be delivered.
While we cannot pass the offering plate and hear the glorious sounds of our organ and choir anthems, we must still pay our staff and maintain our building during this time. If you find yourself in a position to give generously during this time, we greatly appreciate it! On-line giving is possible on our website DONATE HERE or you may mail checks to the Church Office (200 Main Street, Chatham, NJ 07928). Thank you so much for your support!
OUTREACH OPPORTUNITIES: The following organizations are in need of contributions or donations at this time:
* Morris County Interfaith Food Pantry: Food is needed more than ever. Please donate non-perishables to our Interfaith Food Pantry basket, which has now been re-located to the lower level, next to the Church Office. Volunteers are also needed to deliver the food weekly. Please email Mary Jo Oakley if you are available: office@stpaulschatham.org
* Face Masks: Overlook Hospital is in need of protective masks, as are individuals who are immunocompromised or have other risk factors. If you can sew, please help meet this need and watch the video for instructions https://youtu.be/VgHrnS6n4iA
*North Porch Women and Infant Center: Women and children need our donations of diapers, pull-ups, and baby formula more than ever. You may also drop supplies off, using the parking lot door, next to the office. Thank you to so many who have bought and donated in bulk!
*Donate your Ipads, tablets, IPhones with cameras, or even baby monitors with video capabilities for use in local hospitals. They will be wiped clean and repurposed for nurses to stay close to patients without being physically close. If you have items to donate, please email simon@themasons.net for more details.
Faithfully yours,
The Rev. Mary E. Davis