April 9, 2020

Holy Week

During Holy Week we connect with people around the world, reflecting on Jesus’ somber walk to the cross, as well as (three days later) experiencing the joy of Jesus’ Easter resurrection. Of course, because of the coronavirus, the most loving thing we can do this year is not gather in person for our Holy Week or Easter worship. What a tremendous loss this is. The combination of our physical distance, communal grief, and anxiety about the future is, as writer Elizabeth Gilbert says, as if “all of our pacifiers have been taken out of our mouths at once!” And when infants lose their pacifiers, they cry. And we do. So does God. God cries with us, tenderly holding our lament, but faithfully also sows the seeds that will eventually yield a harvest of joy. As the Psalmist wrote, “Weeping may spend the night, but joy comes in the morning.” (Psalm 30:6) Please know that I continue to hold you all in my daily prayers and am most grateful for the many ways you all serve as Christ’s hands and feet to one another and the community! 


HOLY WEEK WORSHIP (Bulletins for all services may be found here)  

Maundy Thursday (4/9) 7:00pm Maundy Thursday Worship 
Good Friday (4/10) 12noon (NOTE: change in time) Good Friday Worship 
Easter Sunday (4/12) 10:00am Easter Worship – Be sure to have a candle, matches and BELLS ready! 
* If you are able, please continue to use our ‘virtual offertory plate’ for your donations. Your support enables us to continue our ministry now and in the future. With our deep appreciation!  Donate Here 


"Unraveled: Seeking God When Our Plans Fall Apart" Bible Study: Saturday, 10:00am  "Unraveled" Bible Study 
* Easter Sunday “Bonnets, Bow Ties, and Bells” Coffee Hour10:30am Coffee Hour via Zoom 
High School and College Youth: Join Rev. Ellen for a weekly Zoom meeting on Wednesdays at 6:30pm;  
and this coming Saturday, April 11th at 7:30pm for a Netflix Movie Night.  Text Ellen (973-452-2496) for details.  


* Tuesday and Thursday Noonday Prayer Noonday Prayer 
* Children’s Chapel and Compline Prayer Children's Chapel and Compline  


*Got Masks?  Vestry Member Ann Lowe has been sewing masks for the past several weeks and has generously offered to share with anyone in the congregation who needs one. Please let her know how many adult and child-sized masks you need: annlowe39@comcast.net  

Seniors and those who are ill:  The Senior Center of the Chathams is offering assistance with grocery shopping, delivering medicine, dry cleaning etc.  Simply call 973-635-4565. This is for Seniors AND those who are either physically challenged OR are self-quarantining because they have virus symptoms or have come in contact with someone who has tested positive. 

Food Donations for Morris County Interfaith Food Pantry are still being accepted. Drop non-perishable food to the basket located by our parish office.   

North Porch for Women and Children is still accepting donations of formula and diapers/pull-ups. Please drop donations by parish office.   

PRAYER LIST: Please contact Rev. Mary rector@stpaulschatham.org or Rev. Ellen ellen@stpaulschatham.orgwith your requests for prayer!  

God of the present moment, God who in Jesus stills the storm and soothes the frantic heart; bring hope and courage to all who wait or work in the uncertainty of this pandemic. Bring hope that you will make us ready for whatever lies ahead. Bring us courage to endure what cannot be avoided and compassion to care for all in need, for our will is health and wholeness; you are God, and we need you. 


A Reminder: The New Jersey Department of Health reminds us that we must abide by the ban on social gatherings of any size, and prohibits the gatherings of individuals for parties, celebrations, or other social events. This includes Easter. Please continue to help slow the spread of COVID-19.   

Worship adaptations: Per Diocesan Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Carlye Hughes, our Sunday live-streamed worship will take place from Rev. Mary’s home and/or St. Paul’s sanctuary. After Easter, two clergy are prohibited from officiating worship together, and “at-risk” individuals must stay home. Please know that our worship will absolutely continue on Sunday mornings at 10am, as well as Noon on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and 7pm on Wednesdays!   

Vestry Meeting (March 18, 2020) Notes (by Sarah Meiring)  
The Vestry held its regular monthly meeting on March 18; the meeting was conducted via video conferencing because of restrictions on gathering.  

Mary began the meeting by asking everyone how they were doing, and where they had seen God in the world recently. Mary spoke to the Vestry about the latest Diocesan guidelines for conducting worship remotely. It is most likely that Palm Sunday and Easter will be celebrated remotely. Mary and Ellen will continue to alternate leading worship by livestreamed video on Sunday mornings at 10 am, and are exploring ideas for other services. Mary thanked Simon and Steve for all the work they have done to enable the technology for the livestreaming of worship.  

The Vestry also discussed ways to keep the people of St. Paul’s connected during physical distancing and remote worship. Mary plans to create Teams of 8-10 parishioners, each with a leader, who will stay in touch with each other and offer prayer, community, support, and practical assistance to each other as needed.  

Ellen and Mary spoke of their concerns for the youth, and invited ideas for keeping the youth connected to each other and supported during this time of distancing. Most functions and activities at church are suspended for the time being, but some are ongoing for now.  

Collection baskets for the Food Pantry and North Porch have been placed by the lower door for easier access; donations of money through the websites are also very welcome. Recovery groups are still able to use the building if the group is small enough; this may change soon. St. Paul’s will continue to participate in the Family Promise ministry; Chris Johnson and Phil Ankel are organizing meals.  

Jed reported on St. Paul’s financial condition. Mary spoke of her gratitude that St. Paul’s is financially stable for now, but noted with concern that the church has lost several sources of income while building use is suspended. The Vestry discussed the importance of continuing to gather stewardship pledges during this period so the church can meet its fixed costs and maintain cash flow.  

Mary asked the Vestry to consider ways in which St. Paul’s might actively support anyone, including in our broader Chatham community, who is struggling with mental health issues at this time. Other discussion topics at the meeting included the suspension/cancellation of the Youth Mission Trip, the lease at the Rectory, and the debut of the new St. Paul’s website. Mary thanked Steve for all his work on the website. Mary asked Vestry members to stay in touch with any questions or concerns or ideas. The meeting ended at 9:00 pm


April 19, 2020


April 2, 2020