Thursday, June 9, 2022


Masks are optional during worship.

Annual Meeting this Sunday!

One service only this week, at 10 a.m. Please join us in the Parish Hall immediately following the service for our first live Annual Meeting in two years! Lunch will be provided.

Vestry Slate 

Click here to see our slate for Vestry members, their pictures and brief biographies.



Sunday School

Sunday School will begin at 10:10 this week, with Mary Foster.



We ask your prayers this week for Frank, Andy and Diane, Austin, Meghan B., T.J., Rosemary, Nina, Caroline, Morgan, Meghan, Rick, Don, Brian, Cora, Martha, Kathy, Michael, Gloria, Beth, Mark, Marilyn, Sophia, John, Sarah, Mary, and Matt.

Please notify the office if you have any changes or additions to the Prayer List.


Upcoming Events

Honoring Phil and Martha White

25th Annual Evensong and The David P. Hegg II Lifetime Achievement Awards
Sunday, June 12, 3:00PM.


Please join St. Paul's in congratulating Phil and Martha White for their lifetime service to our congregation. The service will be held entirely online and broadcast on the Diocesan YouTube channel, 

Giving Thanks Benefit Concert at Drew University



Celebrate Pride Month

The Library of the Chathams is providing many programs and activities to celebrate Pride Month. Please visit their website to participate or learn more.

Bishop's Cup Golf Outing
Monday, June 13th

Cooper Hill Country Club, for the benefit of Cross Roads Camp and Retreat Center

2021 Bishop's Cup Winners, Bunker and Patrick Davis 

To register or for other ways you or your company can help, please see the brochure


Poor People's Campaign March on Washington

Poor People's Campaign Working Group invites all to join the June 18, 2022 Mass Poor People’s and Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly and Moral March on Washington. The event will be a generationally transformative and disruptive gathering of poor and low-wealth people, state leaders, faith communities, moral allies, unions and partnering organizations. It is not just a day of action. It is a declaration of an ongoing, committed moral movement to shift the moral narrative, build power, make real policies to fully address poverty and low wealth from the bottom up.



Chatham 'Wear Orange' Rally to End Gun Violence 

Members of St. Paul's attended the Rally Against Gun Violence in Chatham last Saturday. Top: Amy Mason, Zachary Osucha, Tom Osucha, Kaitlyn Osucha, Tessa Mason, Evie Mason, Rev. Ellen (in front). Center: Chatham clergy. Bottom: Jennifer Coury, Laurie Romei. Not pictured, Liz Holler.

Celebrating the Baptism of Elliott Rosone 6/5/22

Rev. George Dredden

Our former seminarian, George Dredden, is now The Reverend George Dredden! He was ordained on Monday, June 6 at Trinity and St. Philip's Cathedral in Newark. Congratulations, Rev. Dredden!



News from the Diocese

Join March for our Lives in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, June 12th.  Join members of the Diocese of Newark and the Diocese of NJ to march.  A bus will leave from Christ Church, Short Hills at 6 am and return at 8 pm. More information and bus reservations

The Voice Online


News from the National Church

Preparations for the General Convention and more...


Thursday, June 16, 2022


Thursday, June 2, 2022