Thursday, June 2, 2022
St. Paul's Weekly Happenings
June 2, 2022
This Sunday is Pentecost!
The term means “the fiftieth day.” In the Hebrew Scriptures, it refers to a feast of seven weeks known as the Feast of Weeks. It was an agricultural event that focused on the harvesting of first fruits. Early historian Josephus referred to Pentecost as the fiftieth day after the first day of Passover. In the Christian faith, it refers to the advent of the Holy Spirit which happens on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1), shortly after Jesus' death, resurrection, and ascension. It is the day the disciples received the gift of the Spirit. The Pentecost event was the fulfillment of a promise which Jesus made to the disciples to send an advocate to help them when he sent them out into the world to carry on His teachings. The ability to speak in tongues given by the spirit helped the disciples to preach the gospel to all the world. The Day of Pentecost is one of the seven principal feasts of the church year in the Episcopal Church and is one of the feasts that is especially appropriate for baptism. The liturgical color for the feast is red and all are ecouraged to wear the color red to church,symbolic of the fire of the spirit.
(Modified from
Services at 8 am and 10 am
Masks are optional during worship.
Sunday School
Instead of Sunday school, this week all kids are invited to join Rev. Ellen for a family friendly Homily and to join in the celebration of the Baptism!
Holy Baptism This Sunday at 10 am
Elliott Robert Rosone will be baptized at the 10 am service this Sunday. Please join us for this happy occasion as we welcome a new member into the body of Christ!
We ask your prayers this week for Andy and Diane, Austin, Meghan B., T.J., Rosemary, Nina, Caroline, Morgan, Meghan, Rick, Don, Brian, Cora, Martha, Kathy, Michael, Gloria, Beth, Mark, Marilyn, Sophia, John, Sarah, Mary, and Matt. We also ask your prayers for the school children and teachers who were killed in the mass shooting and their loved ones at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas.
Please notify the office if you have any changes or additions to the Prayer List.
Annual Meeting Announcement
Next Sunday, June 12th, immediately following the 10 am service
Brunch will be provided
Please join us as we gather together in person for the first time in two years and attend to the business and future of the parish! Any annual reports should be submitted to the office as soon as possible.
Upcoming Events
St. Paul's Monthly Men's Dinner
Please join Phil White and the men of St. Paul's for dinner at Marco Polo in Summit on tonight, Thursday, June 2nd at 6:30.
Chatham Wear Orange Rally
This Saturday, June 4, 10 am
The Gazebo, Firehouse Plaza
Morris County Moms Demand Action will hold a rally to support efforts to end gun violence. Did you know that gun violence takes the lives of over 110 Americans every day? The rally will feature speakers, a short program and the opportunity to tie ribbons along Main Street. Rev. Ellen invites you to join her there! For more information and to RSVP, click here.
The Ordination of George Dredden
St. Paul's Former Seminarian
Monday, June 6, 7 pm!
Join us at the ordination to the Sacred Order of Priests of our beloved George Dredden. Rev. Ellen, Senior Warden Eric Leininger and Jennifer Coury will be three of his presenters for ordination. All are welcome to attend. If anyone would like to carpool, is seeking a ride, or would like to provide one, please contact the office.
Family Promise Event!
Please ignore the RSVP date and click here if you would like to attend.
Honoring Phil and Martha White
25th Annual Evensong and The David P. Hegg II Lifetime Achievement Awards Sunday, June 12, 3:00PM.
Please join St. Paul's in congratulating Phil and Martha White for their lifetime service to our congregation. The service will be held entirely online and broadcast on the Diocesan YouTube channel,
Bishop's Cup Golf Outing, June 13th
Cooper Hill Country Club, for the benefit of Cross Roads Camp and Retreat Center
2021 Bishop's Cup Winners, Bunker and Patrick Davis
To register or for other ways you or your company can help, please see the brochure
Harmonium Choral Society June 3-5 Open Hearts weekend
June 4th , 1pm - NJ premiere of the 2021 documentary Pieces of Us at the Morristown Unitarian Fellowship, 21 Normandy Heights Rd, Morristown, NJ,
Friday, June 3rd at 7:30pm and Sunday, June 5th at 3:00pm - Harmonium’s Open Hearts concert at Our Lady of Sorrows, 217 Prospect St., South Orange, NJ.
On June 4th at 6:00pm - catered fundraising dinner featuring Prince Manvendra from India at Christ Church in Short Hills, 66 Highland Ave, Short Hills, NJ, followed by a dessert reception at 7:30pm. There will be music and Prince Manvendra will speak about his humanitarian work.
For details visit:, call 973-538-6969, or email
Poor People's Campaign March on Washington
Poor People's Campaign Working Group invites all to join the June 18, 2022 Mass Poor People’s and Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly and Moral March on Washington. The event will be a generationally transformative and disruptive gathering of poor and low-wealth people, state leaders, faith communities, moral allies, unions and partnering organizations. It is not just a day of action. It is a declaration of an ongoing, committed moral movement to shift the moral narrative, build power, make real policies to fully address poverty and low wealth from the bottom up.
St. Paul's Presence at Prayer Vigil
Member of St. Paul's attended a Prayer Vigil in Madison last week for the victims of the mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas last week, and their families. From left, Chris Johnson, the Tavares family, and Jennifer Coury. Also in attendance, Rev. Ellen Kohn-Perry and Liz Holler.
Vestry Update
The Vestry met on Wednesday, May 18 at 7 pm via Zoom. Plans were made for the Annual Meeting to be held on June 12th. A team will be formed to determine the future of St. Paul's after Covid. Many things have changed and St. Paul's needs to adapt.
An Invitation from Swingin' Terns
Your first dance is free! St. Paul's has become the home of Swingin' Tern Dances, a contra dance series now in its 38th year. Contra dancing is a form of folk dancing with similarities to square dancing and is always danced to live music. Beginners are welcome and no partner is necessary. The dances are held in the Parish Hall every first and third Saturday year-round from 7:30 to 10:30 pm. Come early to the beginners' workshop at 7 pm -- if you can walk, you can contra dance! Just mention at the ticket desk that you are a member of St. Paul's, and you will be given free admission for your first dance. Proof of Covid vaccination, masks, and smiles are required. More information at
Monthly Update from the Community of St. John the Baptist, Mendham
Keep up with the sisters at St. John the Baptist
Chatham Twp. and Boro. Police Help Senior Citizens
If you are a senior citizen, living alone, and have a telephone, the Chatham Police Departments have a program to check in with you every morning. For more information and an application, click here.