Thursday, April 7, 2022
Thursday, April 7, 2022
Holy Week Services and Events
Sunday, April 10th at 10 am - Palm Sunday Liturgy of the Palms and Passion
The service begins with a palm procession around the block. We will meet in the parking lot at 10 am. If you choose not to process, please proceed directly into the church for the beginning of the service.
Wednesday, April 13th at 6 pm - Evening Prayer Healing Service
Join us for a meditative Evening Prayer service with healing prayer and anointing.
Thursday, April 14th at 6:45 pm - Simple Supper, Maundy Thursday Service, Overnight Prayer Vigil "Praying in the Garden With Jesus"
We will begin the evening with a simple supper at 6:45 pm followed by the Maundy Thursday Eucharist Service at 7:30 pm. Afterward, we invite everyone to join us for an hour during the Overnight Prayer Vigil "Praying in the Garden with Jesus" (Sign up here)
Friday, April 15th - Good Friday Services Noon and 7:30 pm; 2 pm Stations of the Cross
Our solemn Good Friday offerings will begin with a noon service followed by Stations of the Cross at 2 pm and an evening worship service at 7:30 pm. Families are encouraged to join us for the Stations of the Cross.
Sunday, April 17th at 10 am - Easter Sunday Festival Holy Eucharist Service, Easter Egg Hunt on the Front Lawn, Festive Coffee Hour
Join us on Easter Sunday for a joyous celebration of the resurrection. We will have one service at 10 am followed by an Easter egg hunt and a festive coffee hour.
Masks are optional during worship.
Please note:
The collection of items for Ukraine has ended.
Lenten Noonday Prayers
Daily Noonday Prayers Monday through Friday during Lent on Zoom, link:
Lenten Noonday Prayers
Sunday School
Sunday School begins at 10:10 am. Lori Piazza will lead the class this week.
Coffee Hour
Please consider signing up to help with Coffee Hour! Due to current health concerns, separately packaged snacks and juice boxes are preferred making Coffee Hour fairly easy duty. Sign up for future weeks in the Parish Hall. Special thanks to Liz Holler for continuing to coordinate Coffee Hour.
We ask your prayers this week for Rick, Jennifer, Dot, Don, Kevin, Brian, Cora, John, Amaryllis, Martha, Marcy, Kathy, Michael, Gloria, Beth, Mark, Marilyn, Sophia, John, Sarah, Mary and Matt.
Please notify the office if you have any changes or additions to the Prayer List.
Upcoming Speakers
April 24 - Don McGowan, Refugee Resettlement
Don McGowan from St. Peter's, Mountain Lakes, will explain how five congregations joined together to sponsor and host a
refugee family in Morris County
May 15 - All the Way Up, Empowering Adult Learners in and around Newark
June 12 - Notre Dame Committee on Human Trafficking
Women's Group tonight!
All women of St. Paul's are welcome to meet every Thursday evening during Lent! Meetings will be held at Ann Cavouti's home at 24 Jay Road, Chatham Twp., beginning at 7:00 pm. No reservations necessary and hope to see you there!
Bring in Your Collections on Easter Sunday!
**Family Outreach Project**
Heifer International "Fill the Ark" Giving Calendar
We are inviting all our families to participate in this wonderful outreach program. Our goal is to raise enough funds to purchase 1 animal from each category, approximately $1500. However, if we raise $5000, we can purchase a "Gift Ark" with multiple animals from each, so reach out to family and friends for additional donations!
Youth Group Lunch at Arminio's This Sunday!
Join Rev. Ellen after worship this Sunday, April 10th for the Youth Group Lunch at Arminio's. It's time to catch up with each other and begin to plan spring and summer youth activities! RSVP to Rev. Ellen Here
Special Good Friday Book Discussion Group
We will be exploring this short, thought-provoking book The Silence of Calvary, Meditations on Good Friday by Christopher L. Webber on Monday, April 11th at 7 pm. (Please note change of day!) It is described as "Seven chapters in this unique book consider the event, and the meaning, of the Crucifixion to our lives today, including the various ways in which silence plays a role in our daily lives." Please email Rev. Ellen if you would like to join so she can order a book for you. Zoom Link: Reflections on The Silence of Calvary.
Easter Memorials
Easter Memorials may be made in any amount, and designated for Flowers, Music or the Memorial Garden. If you would like to remember a loved one by making a donation, please send a check to the office by April 13th, and note the name or names to be remembered and by whom (i.e., Jane Doe, sister of John Doe). Please make checks out to St. Paul's and note "Flowers", "Music", or "Memorial Garden" on the memo line, and notify the office by Wednesday, April 13th.
Altar Guild Needs You!
Volunteers are needed for the Altar Guild. Members are assigned to a team which serves one weekend each month, and the team usually works for approximately 30 minutes. Interested? Please contact Ann Lowe, Altar Guild Chair.
News from the Diocese
The Voice Online, including "What We Can Focus On This Easter" from Bishop Hughes
The Prison Ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark is seeking a part time program coordinator. For more information, please contact the office.
News from the National Church
Presiding Bishop Calls Attention to 100th Good Friday offering, and more