April 14, 2022
Thursday, April 14, 2022
Masks are optional during worship.
Holy Week Services and Events
Thursday, April 14th at 6:45 pm - Simple Supper, Maundy Thursday Service, Overnight Prayer Vigil "Praying in the Garden With Jesus"
We will begin the evening with a simple supper at 6:45 pm followed by the Maundy Thursday Eucharist Service at 7:30 pm. Afterward, we invite everyone to join us for an hour during the Overnight Prayer Vigil "Praying in the Garden with Jesus" (Sign up here)
Friday, April 15th - Good Friday Services Noon and 7:30 pm; 2 pm Stations of the Cross
Our solemn Good Friday offerings will begin with a noon service followed by Stations of the Cross at 2 pm and an evening worship service at 7:30 pm. Families are encouraged to join us for the Stations of the Cross.
Sunday, April 17th at 10 am - Easter Sunday Festival Holy Eucharist Service, Easter Egg Hunt on the Front Lawn, Festive Coffee Hour
Join us on Easter Sunday for a joyous celebration of the resurrection. We will have one service at 10 am followed by an Easter egg hunt and a festive coffee hour.
Please note: No Sunday School this week; Sunday School will resume next week, 4/24
Heifer International "Fill the Ark" Giving Calendar
Please Bring in Your Collections on Easter Sunday!
We ask your prayers this week for Morgan, Meghan, Rick, Jennifer, Dot, Don, Kevin, Brian, Cora, John, Amaryllis, Martha, Marcy, Kathy, Michael, Gloria, Beth, Mark, Marilyn, Sophia, John, Sarah, Mary and Matt.
Please notify the office if you have any changes or additions to the Prayer List.
Upcoming Speakers
April 24 - Don McGowan, Refugee Resettlement
Don McGowan from St. Peter's, Mountain Lakes, will explain how five congregations joined together to sponsor and host a
refugee family in Morris County
Working with Church World Service, St. Peter's and five other Episcopal churches in the regional ministry network agreed to provide housing and support for a refugee family. It started with cleaning up the unoccupied rectory at St. John's, Boonton , furnishing it from top to bottom, and then welcoming a family of seven (dad, mom, and five children) in early December. Since then it's been a series of opportunities and challenges to help them acclimate and adjust to their new surroundings. Almost every aspect of life for an Afghan family is different from our lives in the U.S., ranging from language, to religion, to eating habits, and more. Working with the family has opened everyone's eyes to the many things we take for granted as Americans, and has helped everyone involved appreciate cultural differences around the world.
May 15 - All the Way Up, Empowering Adult Learners in and around Newark
June 12 - Notre Dame Committee on Human Trafficking
Upcoming Events
Mother's Day Chinese Music Concert
May 8, 2022 at 11:30 am, after Sunday Service
Performed by Mrs. Sylvia Wong
Music Instruments including Gu Zheng, Eu Wo, Wu Lo Silk and Bamboo Flute
An Evening with Pádraig Ó Tuama
Poet, Theologian, Story-teller, Community-Builder
Sunday, April 24, 2022 at 7PM in the Sanctuary of the Chatham UMC.
Topic: Poetry and Prayer
Followed by a round table discussion, and Q+A with the gathered community.
Please Contact Your Senator!
In 2021, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a historic bill with more than $550 billion in investment for clean energy, transportation, clean air and water, and climate resilience. But the legislation remains stalled in the Senate.
Please click here to urge your Senator to take action on this bill.