April 24, 2020
When I was just 8 years old, I was a very strong swimmer. My coach thought I could become even stronger by practicing every day with the High School swim team. As a 3rd grader, I was able to keep up for a short time, but eventually I’d fall behind. This meant that instead of having time in between each assigned interval to rest, I would touch the wall and have to immediately push off again to begin the next set. Not having even a few seconds to breathe left me exhausted and desperate, and I have never forgotten the feeling of trying to swim while also crying under water as both the physical and emotional stressors were vying for oxygen.
We are now 6-7 weeks in to the “social distancing” and “stay at home” orders, all meant to break the line of infection from COVID19. I have a sense that just like my 8-year-old self, we have both emotional and physical needs vying for our energy, and more than anything, we need time and space from the anxiety.
Therefore, this week in addition to communicating our scheduling and outreach activities, I have included some mental health resources should you need some help with day-to-day life in this quarantine. Of course, Rev. Ellen (ellen@stpaulschatham.org) and I (rector@stpaulschatham.org) are available to talk, either by phone, FaceTime or Zoom should you need conversation or help processing.
I am praying that you can find moments today and in the days ahead to take a deep breath, and rest in the comfort of God's peace.
Mental Health Resources
A message from our Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Carlye J. Hughes: https://dioceseofnewark.org/bishops-vlog/there-no-shame-asking-help
Resources from state mental health organizations:
Prayers at time of Death
Because hospitals have barred all visitors including clergy at this time, most deaths in hospitals occur without family present. In the event that you receive a call that a loved one is dying, I have included the PDF, “Prayers to Say Goodbye to a Loved One When Separated.” click here
Hopefully this will not be needed, but please feel free to share this as needed.
Outreach and Need for Assistance
Our Vestry met this week and voted to utilize half of our 2020 designated Outreach funds at this time (saving the second half for next month’s needs). Donations will be made on behalf of St. Paul’s to the Chatham Rescue Squad (in honor of and thanksgiving for parishioners who serve: Amanda Stent, Craig Alperowitz, and Todd Huffman), to the FLAG (Front-Line Appreciation Group) of Chatham and Madison; and to a fund reserved for those in need of groceries or other assistance due to job loss. If you are in need of gift cards for groceries or other basics, please reach out to Rev. Mary (rector@stpaulschatham.org).
In addition to these organizations, the Vestry would also like to invite your donations, in-kind to North Porch (diapers/formula), the Morris County Interfaith Food Pantry, and your used/discarded Ipads or Iphones to our own parishioners, The Mason Family, who are repurposing them for use in isolation hospital units. We are additionally in need of prayer shawls. Please leave food, baby supplies and prayer shawls on the lower level of St. Paul’s building, by the Church Office; and any used Ipads may be dropped with Simon Mason(simon@themasons.net).
Tuesdays and Thursdays @ 12noon Noonday Prayer
Wednesdays @ 7pm Children’s Chapel and Compline Children's Chapel
Sundays @ 10am Sunday Worship
Coffee Hour:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3070105526
Bible Study:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3070105526
High School Youth Group: text Rev. Ellen (973) 452-2496
Thank you John and Helen Gardner!
If you've driven by the church lately you might have noticed the beautiful bank of daffodils along the front of the church, or the lovey plantings by the sign. We owe this to John and Helen Gardner's dedicated work - thank you, John and Helen!