April 30, 2020

When the Hebrew people fled captivity and were longing to settle in the “Promised Land,” they asked Moses again and again, “Is the Lord among us or not?” (Exodus 17:7) The answer was an unqualified “Yes!” as God’s presence came in the form of manna, or food for them to eat each day, plenty of water to drink, and strength for those times they were consumed by weariness.  

As we enter this 8th week of quarantine and “social distancing,” I hear myself and others asking that same question, “Is the Lord among us or not?” To ask this question and wonder how God can transform death into life or weeping into dancing does not mean that we are unfaithful or spiritually weak in some way. Rather, it compels us to look closer for the unexpected places where living water flows, where we are nourished with food for our body and soul, and where we find strength for each day.  “God has the capacity to transpose wilderness into an arena for life,” writes biblical scholar Walter Brueggemann. 

In order to support one another and shine a light on those places where wilderness is transformed into life, I’d like to invite YOU to help us compose a poem for our community. This week, please complete this sentence with your story: “I’m learning that the Lord is among us . . . .”  and email your submission to me at rector@stpaulschatham.org.  I will compile them into our community’s poem.  

Forward Movement's Resources for Prayer

Forward Day by Day
Missing the Forward Day by Day booklets? Click here for an online version of the daily meditations. We have yet to receive our physical copies of the May-July booklets, but will let you know when they are available for pick-up.

Mental Health Resources  

A message from our Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Carlye J. Hughes: https://dioceseofnewark.org/bishops-vlog/there-no-shame-asking-help 

Resources from state mental health organizations: 



Resources from Chatham Borough 

Prayers at time of Death 

Sadly, because hospitals have barred all visitors including clergy at this time, most deaths in hospitals occur without family present. In the event that you receive a call that a loved one is dying, I have included the PDF, “Prayers to Say Goodbye to a Loved One When Separated.” click here
Hopefully this will not be needed, but please feel free to share this as needed.   

Outreach and Need for Assistance 

Our Vestry has donated $6,000 to the needs of our community at this time (specifically to the Chatham Emergency Squad in honor of and thanksgiving for parishioners who serve: Amanda Stent, Craig Alperowitz, and Todd Huffman, to the FLAG (Front-Line Appreciation Group) of Chatham and Madison; and to a fund reserved for those in need of groceries or other assistance due to job loss).  

If you are in need of gift cards for groceries or other basics, please reach out to Rev. Mary (rector@stpaulschatham.org).   

In addition to these organizations, the Vestry would also like to invite your donations, in-kind to North Porch (see below), the Morris County Interfaith Food Pantry, and your used/discarded Ipads or Iphones to our own parishioners, The Mason Family, who are repurposing them for use in isolation hospital units. We are additionally in need of prayer shawlsPlease leave food, baby supplies and prayer shawls on the lower level of St. Paul’s building, by the Church Office; and any used Ipads may be dropped with Simon Mason (simon@themasons.net). 

New North Porch Donation Information 

Thank you all for supporting North Porch.  We continue to serve clients during the pandemic. Our distribution system has been adapted  to comply with the current state regulations. Our centers are closed (with the exception of Jersey City where supplies are being distributed safely from the Triangle Park Community Center.)  Our coordinators work from home taking client orders by phone. Orders are packed in bags and our Director distributes the supplies each week at outdoor locations in Newark, Dover, Morristown, Hackettstown and Paterson as needed. We are serving up to 60 clients per week. Our greatest needs are baby wipes, Enfamil formula 12 0z packages (yellow label) and large size diapers, 4, 5, and 6. While we are still  accepting donations at the church, we are encouraging our supporters to donate in a safer way. Here’s how

*Monetary donations can be made through our website at www.northporch.org  

*Purchase online with direct shipping to our Dover location. For convenience, we have created an Amazon Wish List linkhttps://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/17M8KS15SFELW?ref_=wl_share Please ship items to this address. North Porch Women and Infants’ Center, 11 South Bergen St. Dover, NJ 07801

Questions? Contact Rev. Ellen at Ellen@stpaulschatham.org

Events this week 


Tuesdays and Thursdays @ 12noon Noonday Prayer
Wednesdays @ 7pm Children’s Chapel and Compline Children's Chapel
Sundays @  10am Sunday Worship


Sunday Coffee Hour: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3070105526 

Bible Study: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3070105526  

High School Youth Group:
Wednesday Zoom Hangout: text Rev. Ellen (973) 452-2496
Movie night this Saturday, May 2:  Email Rev. Ellen for more info and link ellen@stpaulschatham.org

COVID Learnings: Zoom conversations with the Bishop 

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on every aspect of our lives gives us quite a lot to talk about. Bishop Hughes is eager to spend time in conversation with the members of the diocese, to reflect and consider what we, our churches, and our communities have learned and experienced as we have adjusted to the changes this time has demanded of us. 

On Tuesday, May 5 at 6 PM we will hold the first monthly lay conversation with Bishop Hughes. Scheduled for 90 minutes, this conversation is open to all members of the diocese. 

An email invitation will be sent Monday, May 4 to recipients of The Voice Online with sign-in instructions for this Zoom meeting. 

Subscribe to The Voice  here 


May 7, 2020


April 24, 2020