May 4, 2020
Events this week
Sundays @ 10am Sunday Worship
Rev. Mary:
Wednesdays @ 7pm Children’s Chapel and Compline Children's Chapel
Tuesdays and Thursdays @ 12noon Noonday Prayer
Sunday Coffee Hour:
Starting this Sunday at 11:00am we will begin a June Adult Education session called, “Embracing Evangelism.” This series will explore our call to seek, name, and celebrate Jesus’ loving presence in the stories of all people. Please join us!
High School Youth Group:
Zoom Hangout: text Rev. Ellen (973) 452-2496 for details
A Pastoral Letter from Bishop Hughes:
What direction shall we choose as health crisis and racism
intersect with faith and politics?
Dear Companions on the Journey,
We had yet to get our bearings on the journey through pandemic when the violent slayings of Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd thrust us suddenly on to a treacherous but familiar side road. The dangers of COVID-19 have not diminished. It has become even more clear in the last twelve weeks that African-Americans have a particular susceptibility to the virus. Theories abound about poverty and pre-existing conditions, but these theories do nothing to explain the death of young, healthy, professional African-Americans. Could it be the wear and tear of navigating racism adversely impacts the resiliency of African-Americans? continue reading, click here:
Feeding the Hungry! Can you help?
With so many unemployed or furloughed from work, there is a hunger emergency throughout New Jersey, Chatham included.
On Wednesdays from 11:00am – 12:30pm boxes of produce, milk, eggs, bread, bag lunches and masks are distributed in the driveway of Chatham United Methodist Church. To donate a box of produce, please click the following link:
Thank you for any and all help you can offer at this time!