June 11, 2020

This Week 

Sundays @  10am Sunday Worship

Sunday Coffee Hour: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3070105526 

Rev. Mary:  rector@stpaulschatham.org - 21 Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challeng

Tuesdays and Thursdays @ 12noon Noonday Prayer

Zoom Hangout: text Rev. Ellen (973) 452-2496 for details

Wednesdays @ 7pm Children’s Chapel and Compline Children's Chapel 

From our inbox:

From: Joann Carroll <gjcarroll@optonline.net>
Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2020 4:01 PM
To: Parish Administrator <office@stpaulschatham.org>
Cc: gjcarroll@optonline.net
Dear Friends,
We are writing today to update you or notify you if you are not aware of our initiative with Weekend Meals for Chatham Students in Need. First, thank you once again for donating to this fundraiser to those who have! And for the many families at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Chatham for your food donations and volunteering your time.   Over the past 7+ weeks, we have given out 606, $25-gift cards to Shoprite for families on the free/reduced lunch program. That's absolutely incredible! We are so incredibly grateful for the support, and we know what a difference it makes to the families who receive the gift cards.  Over the past three weeks, we have had food distribution events at Chatham United Methodist Church, each week the need has increased and each week we have run out of food to give to cars driving in. 
This Chatham fundraiser benefits families in town whose kids receive free/reduced lunches from the School District of the Chathams.  The fundraiser's purpose is to buy Shoprite gift cards for families in the free/reduced lunch program so that they have funds to buy food for lunches over the weekend. Each child (not each family, but each child) who picks up lunch receives a $25 gift card every week. As the quarantine has gone on and more parents are losing income, more kids are coming to pick up lunch -- it's gone from about 65 kids the first week to 81 recently. The organizers of this fundraiser have said that the grocery gift cards make a huge difference to the families who are receiving them.
Unfortunately, Chatham does not have funding from the state to provide lunches over the summer, which makes the gift card program even more important for the families that are food insecure. The organizers are trying to raise an additional $30,000 to give out $25 gift cards to families every week for the 11 weeks of summer break. That's a lot to raise, and every little bit counts. Almost all of the fundraising to date has been done through Facebook and I wanted to make sure you knew about it. Please feel free to forward this email to anyone you think would like to donate!
You can learn more about the fundraiser by going to our Facebook page linked below. 
DONATE TODAY: Venmo - @JoannCarroll 201-988-9070
QuickPay with Zelle - redroad14@optonline.net - mailing address for checks/cash below.
Gargiulo Produce – Buy One Donate One (Wednesday Food Distribution Events here in Chatham)
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Joann Carroll at gjcarroll@optonline.net, 201-988-9070.
Thank you for considering!
Joann Carroll
14 Red Road
Chatham, NJ 07928
Web: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ChathamWeekendMeals/

Vestry Report
May 20, 2020

The Vestry met by video call on May 20 and discussed three questions relating to the current restrictions on gathering and the eventual re-opening of the church building when permitted: What have we lost? What have we gained? What will make us comfortable to return to church in person?
The loss of inter-personal contact and energy of gathering in person with friends were prominent among the losses felt. Among the gains discussed, many noted with gratitude the increasing technological reach of our online worship services, and the ability to stay connected and carry on many aspects of church life remotely. In discussing re-opening protocols for our building, when permitted, Vestry members’ top concern was ensuring the safety of others, especially for vulnerable members of our community, along with questions of enforcing safety protocols.
Mary is in the process of gathering a Re-Opening Committee and invited anyone interested in this work to contact her. Vestry also discussed ongoing Outreach activities. Both Rev. Mary and Rev. Ellen participate Chatham community efforts to provide food for people in need. Congregants can donate in a variety of ways: food is collected Tuesdays and distributed Wednesdays, along with masks. Organizers welcome Shop Rite gift cards, shelf-stable food, masks, bags.
The Vestry voted to approve an outreach donation to CrossRoads camp; the camp is unable to hold any of its income-producing activities or events.
The Vestry also discussed how to keep our community connected and thriving while we are physically separated. Mary welcomes all suggestions and creative thoughts for accomplishing fellowship and connection remotely.
Jed reported that the current financial state of the church is solid; although investment income is down, some income has increased and some savings have been realized due to the building closure. The church also received a federal PPP check recently. The Vestry is aware, however, of the need to be financially prudent and keep a long view in uncertain times. The Vestry also discussed at length the new Endowment Policy; some changes were suggested. The Policy was unanimously approved with thanks to Jed for the hard work.

For Father’s Day, shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/22-1726346 and Amazon donates to St. Paul's!


June 18, 2020


May 4, 2020