Worship LIVE Stream
Tune into the LIVE stream of Sunday Worship. The LIVE feed will be available at 10AM on Sundays via Facebook Live.
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Worship Schedule
At St. Paul's, we gather for worship every Sunday at 8:00 am and 10:00 am, and every Wednesday at 9:00 am. In each of these gatherings, our focus is the Eucharist, which means "thanksgiving." Though each service is unique, at every service we remember the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and through both Word and Sacrament, we experience the Risen Christ in our midst.
Episcopal Services
Worship is our weekly opportunity to "sing our love song to God," and it is also God's love song, sung back to us through Word and Sacrament. The primary focus of our Episcopal liturgy (which means the "work of the people") is the Eucharist (a Greek word meaning "Thanksgiving"), but there are two main parts of the service: the Word of the Lord, which includes proclamation of Scripture, the Creed, Prayers of the People and the Confession, and the Holy Eucharist, when Christ, through the bread and wine, becomes tangibly present to the congregation gathered. In turn, the gathered community becomes Christ's Body to one another and to the world.
Baptism is one of the important milestones in the life of a family. It's an occasion for joy and celebration and St. Paul's Church welcomes the opportunity to be part of that celebration. In preparing for Baptism, certain questions come up and this will hopefully address some of those most frequently asked.
Confirmation is a sacrament whereby a youth affirms for him/herself the vows made by their Godparents at Baptism. It is also available for adults who have never been Confirmed or people from other denominations desiring to become fully part of the Episcopal Church. If an adult has been confirmed in another denomination, the ceremony of Reception takes place which recognizes the validity of their previous Confirmation, but also welcomes them officially into the Episcopal Church.
Weddings & Civil Unions
We are pleased that you are considering marriage at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, and in full accordance with the policies of the Diocese of Newark, we offer same sex couples recognition and access to all sacraments, including marriage.