What We do
Sunday School
Our children, ages 3-6th grade, learn about and experience God’s presence in their lives, through the loving guidance of volunteer teachers and our clergy. Active games, object lessons, crafts, skits and stories all help the children understand that they are both part of an inherited faith tradition, while also part of a never-ending relationship with God, through Jesus Christ. Sunday School classes meet on alternate Sunday mornings, beginning at 10:10am, and Children's Chapel takes place every other Sunday. Children begin the morning with their families in worship, then move to Sunday School or Children's Chapel before the Gospel. They return for worship after the Peace.
The high quality music program at St. Paul’s enriches our spiritual life and is an expression of our thanksgiving to God. Our adult choir sings from the Sunday after Labor Day through Trinity Sunday each year, enriching worship by leading congregational hymns and service music, as well as chanting the Psalms in Anglican Chant. Our choral and solo anthems come primarily from our Anglican heritage, as well as other western choral traditions, from the Renaissance to the present day. The Adult choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings from 7:30pm-9pm.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Every other week, knitting experts and novices alike, open their meeting with prayer and reflection, and then knit prayer shawls for those who are undergoing cancer treatment, in nursing homes, or in hospice care. Once finished, the prayer shawls are offered on Sunday mornings, on the altar at St. Paul’s, blessed and then distributed to those in need.
Fellowship at St. Paul's means Coffee Hour after the 8 am and 10 Sunday Worship Services, special Sunday Brunches and other seasonal events.
Some of the various programs we work with
Memorial Garden
Central to St. Paul’s worship, office and education space is a quiet and intimate courtyard, known as our Memorial Garden. In this graceful and meditative garden, we inter the ashes of family members and friends who have entered their larger life with God.