May 22, 2020

Happy Ascension Day! 

Today is the 40th day after Easter, a Feast known as Ascension Day, when Jesus was lifted to the heavens before the eyes of his disciples. Before he departed however, Jesus blessed his followers and entrusted them to carry on as Love in the world. Then Jesus promised in Matthew 28:20, “I am with you always, to the end of the age.” 

More than two thousand years later, Jesus’ promise to us and trust in us is still true. And it is clear that our world, perhaps more than ever, needs both Jesus’ promised presence and the Love which our hands and feet can offer.  

Please read today’s Weekly Happenings for ways we continue to serve as Christ’s body in the world, and know that you are blessed, today and always, by God’s eternal grace.   

Almighty God, whose blessed Son our Savior Jesus Christ ascended far above all heavens that he might fill all things: Mercifully give us faith to perceive that, according to his promise, he abides with his Church on earth, even to the end of the ages; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, in glory everlasting.  Amen. 


Feeding the Hungry! Can you help?

With so many unemployed or furloughed from work, there is a hunger emergency throughout New Jersey, Chatham included. There are multiple ways you can help:  

  1. Chatham Borough resident Joann Carroll's “Helping Hands” initiative. She is collecting funds via check, Venmo, or QuickPay with Zelle and/or $25 Shop Rite gift cards to distribute to anyone in need of food at this time. Contact Joann at or 201-988-9070 if you can help. These gift cards are distributed on Wednesdays at the Chatham Middle School parking lot for families who receive reduced/free lunches through the School District.   

  1. In addition, boxes of produce, milk, eggs, bread, bag lunches and masks are distributed on Wednesdays (to anyone in need, not just families of school age children) from 11am – 12:30pm in the driveway of Chatham United Methodist Church. Here’s how you can help with this distribution: 

         - Boxcar’s CEO Joe Colangelo is gathering boxes of produce, milk, and eggs from various grocers. You may donate a box of produce by clicking the link:
         - Help, in person, with distribution on Wednesdays from 11am – 12:30pm (contact Rev. Mary to sign-up): Mask and gloves required.

         - Donate/Loan a pop-up tent for use in bad weather.  

  2. Donate $25 Shop Rite gift cards – slide under Office door.   

    Thank you for any and all help you can offer at this time! 



Additional Outreach Information  


Last night, our Vestry voted to continue donating 2020 Outreach funds to organizations in need. This month, we voted to offer $2000 to Cross Roads Camp and Retreat Center. Due to the nature of COVID19, which includes both known and unknown characteristics, Cross Roads Camp has had to suspend its in-person summer program leaving them without any income. Cross Roads is an important ministry partner in our Diocese, a ministry that needs any and all support to get through the months ahead.  If you would like to make an additional donation, please see their website,  

We also invite your in-kind donations to North Porch, the Morris County Interfaith Food Pantry, and your used/discarded Ipads or Iphones to our own parishioners, The Mason Family, who are repurposing them for use in isolation hospital units (email Simon Mason to arrange for drop off details North Porch’s great needs right now are: baby wipes, Enfamil formula (12 oz packages w yellow label), and Diapers sizes 4, 5 and 6. Monetary donations may be offered through their website: or you may purchase items directly from our Amazon Wish List:  
Please ship items to this address: North Porch Women and Infants’ Center, 11 South Bergen St. Dover, NJ 07801 

Finally and importantly, if you are in need of gift cards for groceries or other basics, do not hesitate to reach out to Rev. Mary (    

COMMITTEE for “RE-Opening” 

Rev. Mary is gathering a group to study the many facets of re-opening our building, if/when the Governor opens churches for in-person worship. We are also being guided by our Bishop and a Diocesan committee. 

If you would like to help us study the possibilities, please let Rev. Mary know.   


Have a graduate in your house?

We want to celebrate them – ALL of them!  Help us make sure our list is complete by emailing the office asap so we can be sure to include all our high school and college graduates in our plans.

Adult Education and Conversation 

As we enter the summer season, we have concluded our Saturday morning Bible Study but will begin a June series on Zoom entitled: “Embracing Evangelism.”  Yes, Evangelism. It’s not a word we never use much in the Episcopal tradition, and yet this series will help us explore our call to seek, name, and celebrate Jesus’ loving presence in the stories of all people. More details to come next week.   

Forward Movement's Resources for Prayer

Forward Day by Day
Missing the Forward Day by Day booklets? Click here for an online version of the daily meditations. We have yet to receive our physical copies of the May-July booklets, but will let you know when they are available for pick-up.

They've been re-ordered, and hopefully will arrive this time!

UPDATE: Word from the Post Office is that third rate mail is not being prioritized for delivery at this time, so we have little hope of receiving these, or our magazines for that matter.



An Invitation for College Students

  Bishop Hughes invites all college students of the diocese who got sent home from college this year because it shut down mid-semester to a Zoom conversation on Wednesday May 27th starting at 4:00pm.  Canon Margo Clark will join the Bishop on this call and they look forward to an interactive conversation on that date! 

There is no need to register for this call – just join the group at the appointed time using this Zoom invitation: 

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 831 4168 5238
Password: 786965
One tap mobile
+19292056099,,83141685238#,,1#,786965# US (New York)


Mental Health Resources  

A message from our Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Carlye J. Hughes: 

Resources from state mental health organizations: 

Resources from Chatham Borough 

Prayers at time of Death 

Sadly, because hospitals have barred all visitors including clergy at this time, most deaths in hospitals occur without family present. In the event that you receive a call that a loved one is dying, I have included the PDF, “Prayers to Say Goodbye to a Loved One When Separated.” click here
Hopefully this will not be needed, but please feel free to share this as needed.   


May 28, 2020


May 14, 2020