January 7, 2021

Due to rising COVID19 rates, we will worship on-line ONLY for the next 4 weeks: www.stpaulschatham.org or www.facebook.com/stpaulschatham.org

For years now, on the Sunday nearest Epiphany, we have given out “star words.” These words are randomly selected and invite us to ponder what significance this word might have in our lives throughout the year ahead. Two years ago, my word was “strength,” and last year, my word was “contemplation.” Through these simple words, I found that God spoke to me time and time again.

The reason we offer these words around the Feast of the Epiphany is that Epiphany is the celebration of the Magi following the star to find baby Jesus and offer their gifts. We, too are seeking Jesus, trusting that God can and does use many signs (or stars) to guide us closer to the Divine presence.

This year, since we are not gathering in person for worship, you may choose your “star word,” randomly, using this on-line word generator. Just click here: My Star Word, and then click on “show me my word.”

As you choose your word, you may offer this prayer:

Gracious God, you have made yourself known to all people of this earth through your Son, Jesus Christ. Help me be open to the gift that you offer me now through this word. Let me receive it from you with gratitude and enable me to live into this word with intention and faithfulness. Thank you for every gift that brings me closer to you. Amen.

House Blessing 2021

The Epiphany season is the traditional time for blessing our homes. It is in the home that the first experience of love occurs. It is where love is nurtured, grows to maturity, and is practiced day after day. Especially during this pandemic when we have been home more than ever, the Christian home is also the ground for our spiritual growth and mission to spread God’s love in the world. Jesus’ ministry took place in many different homes, so to hallow the home as an environment for nurture and renewal is a deeply felt need by many Christian households.

Here is the traditional blessing and instructions to “chalk” your doorway:

Take a piece of chalk and mark on the lintel of your front door 20 + C + M + B + 21 saying:

The three Wise Men,

C Caspar,

M Melchior,

B and Balthasar followed the star of God’s Son who became human

20 two thousand

and 21 years ago.

++ May Christ bless our home

++ and remain with us throughout the new year. Amen.

God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them. Christ, God’s incarnation, is present in the love and care we manifest to each other in our ordinary daily lives together.

Other possible prayers:

May all who come to our home this year rejoice to find Christ living among us; and may we seek and serve, in everyone we meet, that same Jesus who is your incarnate Word, now and forever. Amen.

God of heaven and earth, you revealed your only-begotten One to every nation by the guidance of a star. Bless this house and all who inhabit it. Fill us with the light of Christ, that our concern for others may reflect your love. We ask this through Christ our Saviour. Amen.

Loving God, bless this household. May we be blessed with health, goodness of heart, gentleness, and abiding in your will. We ask this through Christ our Saviour. Amen.

Summary of December 2020 Vestry Meeting

The Vestry met on December 16, 2020, via video call and opened with prayer. The primary business of the meeting was discussion and approval of St. Paul’s proposed 2021 budget. Mary explained that the Vestry approves the budget and then presents it to the congregation at the Annual Meeting. Plans for the Annual Meeting are still being worked out in light of the restrictions on gathering.

Jed presented several financial documents to the Vestry, beginning with a discussion of St. Paul’s current financial position. This year, two primary sources of income for St. Paul’s, paid parishioner pledges and revenue from building use, have both fallen. Although there is still time for 2020 pledges to be fulfilled before the books close on December 31, it appears that St. Paul’s will end the year with a deficit. However, adding the PPP funds to the 2020 income line will allow the books to close without a deficit.

In preparing the proposed 2021 budget, Jed and Mary began with the assumption that Covid-related conditions and restrictions would continue to directly impact the church through at least May or June of 2021; after then the budget assumes that usage revenue will hopefully approximate normal levels again.

Pledge fulfillments and new pledging have both been slower than usual this year. On the Expense side, Jed outlined several key areas for which expenses have been held flat or cut; the Diocesan Pledge will go down by $8000, for example. Hospitality, sabbatical savings, altar expenses, and Christian Ed are other examples of costs that will be cut or decreased. Salaries will hold flat; no raises will be given. Spending on Benefits will rise only to the extent necessary to meet the needs of providing adequate coverage for insured employees. The budget line for Music has also been reduced by $3000, recognizing the fact that special musicians and purchases of choral music are on hold during this pandemic time. Given that the community needs are greater than ever, the Vestry agreed unanimously to increase the Outreach budget from $12,000 to $15,000 in 2021. After presenting all the key information about the proposed budget, Jed noted that it carries a proposed net loss of $53,475. Mary and Eric and the Vestry thanked Jed for his many hours of hard work. The Vestry voted unanimously to approve the proposed 2021 budget.

Mary reported that in light of rising virus transmission rates, the Bishop has retracted permission for even outdoor in-person gathering; beginning Sunday, December 20, services will be conducted from the Sanctuary with only clergy, broadcast support, and musicians present and socially distanced.

The Vestry next discussed the topic of re-energizing personal connections among our congregation as our time apart grows longer. Mary noted that she welcomes all suggestions for fostering fellowship and connection among the people of St. Paul’s while we are required to be apart. Tom suggested the Vestry think on the topic and come prepared to discuss it at our next meeting. All agreed that this was a good plan and an important mission. The meeting ended at 8:14 pm.

Sunday School Survey!

This fall our Sunday School families received monthly deliveries of Christian Education materials at each of your homes. Before we begin our winter and spring seasons, it would be helpful to have some feedback from our families. Please take just two minutes to complete the following survey – THANKS in advance!


Currently, our greatest needs are Enfamil Infant Formula 12.5 oz containers (yellow label), diapers size 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Monetary donations can be made through our website at www.northporch.org We have also set up a system for online purchase with direct shipping directly to us at the address below.. For your convenience, we have created an AmazonSmile Charity List where you can find a list of our most needed items for purchase. The link is https://smile.amazon.com/hz/charitylist/ls/OWZSPY2YBP5E/ref=smi_ext_lnk_lcl_cl

Shipping Address for online purchases

North Porch Women and Infants’ Center

11 South Bergen St. Dover, NJ 07801

We are so very grateful for all the support St. Paul's gives to North Porch. We couldn't do it without you! If you have any questions, please contact Rev. Ellen at ellen@stpaulschatham.org

Diocesan Study Groups and Announcements: From Our Bishop

Let’s walk bravely, boldly into the light

"For us in this time that has been pandemic, God has turned on a light," says Bishop Hughes. "We've been learning something about what the church could be. We've been learning something about who we are called to be as faithful people." click here to read the transcript.

Upcoming Events

Faith Groups: Sharing our Lives, Growing in Faith

FRI, JAN 29, 7 PM

SAT, JAN 30, 9 AM - 12 NOON

The disruptions of the pandemic have encouraged us to find new ways of being in relationship with one another. While the technology we use to connect may be new, Church tradition offers a model for relationships that is still relevant today: intentional small groups.

At our January gathering, held during our traditional Convention weekend*, our focus will be on “Faith Groups: Sharing our Lives, Growing in Faith,” which will offer a pattern for gathering intentionally in small groups to share times of prayer, reflection, and to grow together in faith.

We hope that every parish will be represented at this event. Find out more and register online.

* Due to the pandemic, Diocesan Convention is postponed until Summer 2021, date to be announced.

Bishop's Study Group: Pursuing Racial Reconciliation through Scripture, Film, Word, and Prayer


This six-week study group will focus on building a spiritual and theological response to racial injustice. Registrants are asked to commit to attending at least four of the sessions. Find out more.

Register here by 5 PM Friday, Jan. 8.

The first session, on Chapter 1 of Philippians and the film Harriet, was video recorded and will be made available to all who register by Jan. 8.

Practicing Christ - The Way of Jesus as Transformative Practice

MON, JAN 11-MAR 1, 6-7:30 PM

Sponsored by the Diocesan Nourishing Spirituality Group and Interweave, this eight-session course will feature a rooting in Scripture, presentation, discussion, worship and a variety of spiritual practices.

Registration is required by 12 noon on Sunday, Jan. 10. Find out more.

Happening at Cross Roads

Young Adult Small Group: January 2021

Are you looking to meet new people and explore your faith in the new year? In place of a one weekend retreat, this year Cross Roads is offering a weekly Young Adult Small Group devotional experience for the month of January, from 7-8 pm every Thursday on Zoom. All young adults, ages 18 to 30ish, are invited to participate. Sign up here.

Register for Youth Retreats: February and March 2021

EXPLORE! with Cross Roads this winter at our virtual youth retreats. Over the course of a few hours, kids and youth leaders will EXPLORE the ways God is present in our world and in our lives. There are three EXPLORE! retreat dates and times for different age groups. Find all information including registration here.

Summer Staff applications now open!

No matter what exactly next summer at Cross Roads looks like, we will need trustworthy and creative young adults to help serve the Cross Roads community. Applications to work on Summer Staff 2021 are now OPEN! Learn more and apply on the Cross Roads website. You can read the most recent update about summer camp at Cross Roads here.


January 14, 2021


December 10, 2020