November 11, 2021
Thursday, November 11, 2021
Our Sunday Services at 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. are in person. Masks and social distancing are required in the Sanctuary. We'd love to see you (an hour in a mask really isn't too bad!). Our livestream is available and will continue indefinitely on and on our YouTube channel St. Paul's Episcopal Church Chatham, NJ - YouTube
Join Us for Sunday School at 10:10 am!
Sunday School will meet in person on the first three Sundays of each month, and there will be an adult friendly children's homily on the 4th Sunday. Please register your children online here:
Music Notes
The offertory anthem is one of the choir's "Challenge Anthems" - A six-voice acapella anthem, sung by us (I say us, since I have to sing baritone, with no one else in the choir to cover that part). We're very fond of the work, even though it was tough to learn at first. The text is from Psalm 119: "Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord." The Communion anthem, by 20th century composer Healey Willan "O how glorious is the kingdom wherein all the saints rejoice with Christ; clothed in white robes they follow the Lamb withersoever he goeth."
Jim Little
Choir Director
We ask your prayers this week for Michael, Kim, the King family, Andy, the Kellogg family, Gloria, Sam, Matt, Marky, Sarah, Chris, Mary, John, Sophia, Michael, Ray, David, Marilyn, and Mark.
Help Wanted!
Come on down to St. Paul’s 9-11AM Saturday Nov 13 to help spread wood chips for the Sprout House playground. Many hands make light work. If you have a wheelbarrow, metal rake, pitch fork or shovel, that would be helpful. I suggest gloves. Send an email to or a text at 973.294.5633 to let us know you are coming or if you have a question.
Something New at St. Paul's!
A Home Office Away From Home
Are you working remotely and in need of a quiet place to work away from the distractions of home? Well, now you can have it. We are offering quiet work spaces in the church for parishioners who need a home office away from home. We have a few areas available including the conference room, vestry library. Free of charge to parishioners. If you're interested, please email
Upcoming Events
Join us for Stewardship Sunday
November 14th
Join us for worship on Stewardship Sunday when parishioner Shirly Wu will speak about her time at St. Paul's and why stewardship is important to her spiritual journey.
Youth Group Lunch at Arminio's,
Sunday December 5 at 11:30 am
Join Rev. Ellen for the Youth Group lunch at Arminio's on Sunday, December 5th. Ages 13-18 are welcome. RSVP to Rev. Ellen at
Upcoming Special Events for Advent
The season of Advent is a special time for reflection and prayer. We have several special offerings planned for this year, which we hope will enrich you in body, mind, and spirit. We hope you will join in one or all!
Advent Wreath Making Sunday November 28th After the Service
Join us again this year for this fun Advent tradition of decorating an Advent wreath for your home. The Advent wreath is a symbol of everlasting life in Christ. It holds 4 candles. We light a new candle and read special prayers each Sunday in Advent. They are the symbol of the light of Christ entering the world. The light increases as the birth of Jesus approaches, bringing light to the world. Supplies will be provided. Registration is requested. Please email Rev. Ellen at
Advent Zoom Supper Group Thursday Evenings at 6 pm December 2nd and 16th
The Zoom supper group is back for Advent. Join us each week as we prepare a simple meal, hear a story of a biblical heroine and share our meal together on Zoom. Traditional Jewish recipes will be provided in advance. Please email Rev. Ellen at if you plan to join!
Advent Zoom Book Group - Collaboration with St. Stephen's, Millburn and Christ Church in Short Hills Tuesday Evenings from 5 to 6 p.m. November 30, December 7, 14, 21
There is a new lectionary being introduced in the Episcopal Church, Year W A Women's Lectionary for the Whole Church by Wilda C. Gafney. Bishop Hughes has approved the use of this extraordinary new work in our Diocese, which includes scriptural readings that focus on women in the bible. The book group will take a deep look at the texts. Please email Rev. Ellen at if you would like to participate.
Daily Online Audio Advent Reflections and Weekly Discussion Group (Thursdays at 7 p.m. December 2, 9, 16, 23)
St. Paul's is participating in a new district wide Reflection program and discussion group this year. Our church is in the Diocesan Evelyn Underhill District named after Theologian Evelyn Underhill. Reflections are taken from the book Advent With Evelyn Underhill. The discussion group will be led each week by clergy from the churches in our district. Please email Rev. Ellen at if you plan to participate
Advent Outreach Opportunities
Diocese of Newark Prison Ministry Kids Gift Drive
We are collecting Christmas gifts for the children of the incarcerated again this year. The kids in our group, boys and girls, range in age from 6 to 17, with most between the ages of 10 and 15. Gift ideas include new toys, books, hats, scarves, gloves etc. Please drop off unwrapped gift items in the lobby of the church or in the basket in outside the office beginning this Sunday, November 14th.
North Porch Giving Tree
During Advent and Christmas our spiritual life centers on the Holy Mother and Child. In honor of Mary and Jesus, give a gift of urgently needed baby supplies to mothers and children in need this season. Donations include diapers, wipes, formula, baby food, baby toiletries Support North Porch Women and Infants Centers by choosing an ornament from our holiday giving tree. Look for our display in the lobby on Advent 1, November 28th.
Christmas at Sea Program - The Seaman's Church Institute
Thousands of sea men and women will be away from home on board ships this holiday season. The Christmas at Sea Program run by the Seaman's Church Institute in Port Elizabeth and Newark provides gifts of much needed hand knit hats and scarves, toiletries, and other items for those whose ships dock in port from November through early January. The Director of the International Seafarer's Center in Port Newark is Tim Wong, former St. Paul's Youth Director and son of parishioners Philip and Sylvia Wong.
If you would like to contribute a handknit item, the Christmas at Sea patterns, which are specially designed with mariner safety in mind, are available to download here. Toiletries, travel size games and puzzle books, and leftover Halloween candy are also needed for the care packages. All items can be dropped off at the church beginning November 14th.
Advent/Christmas Resources For Families
Faithful Celebrations: Making Time for God from Advent through Epiphany
Many of our experiences in life happen when several generations are together – at church, at home, in our communities. Holidays and family events are times for celebration, learning, rituals, food, and fun. This edition of Faithful Celebrations focuses on Advent, the Annunciation, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Los Posadas, Christmas and Epiphany. It includes plenty of activities to learn more about each of these sacred seasons or days in a church setting, at home, camp, or anywhere in-between.
Faithful Celebrations: Making Time for God in Winter
Activities for celebrating secular and sacred seasons of the year • For use in churches, schools, camps, at home Many of our experiences in life happen when several generations are together― at church, at home, in our communities. Holidays and family events are times for celebration, learning, rituals, food, and fun.
Chatham Interfaith Thanksgiving Service
Tuesday, November 23rd, 7 pm
Chatham United Methodist Church
460 Main St., Chatham
A Transition Update
from Jim Mollo, Head of Committee
Dear St. Paul's Family,
The existing process for a search under our new Bishop has changed from prior years. The process begins within the Diocese after matching the needs of the parish with the skills of candidates. The Transition Team is given a set of questions to answer. The answers posed by the Diocese help identify candidates for a Priest-in-Charge. We're consolidating the responses into a narrative for Canon Clarke (who handles searches on behalf of the Bishop)
We anticipate receiving candidate names shortly after that. The Transition Team will interview the candidates and make a recommendation to the Vestry. We ask that you keep us in your prayers throughout this process.
Jim Mollo
Frank Willis
Olivia Mollo
Barbara Cheifet
Ted Pishko
Jennifer Courey
Andrew Walker
Shirley Wu
Sarah Meiring
Vestry Update
The most recent Vestry meeting was held on October 20th and ran for over two hours as there are many important and positive updates happening. The transition committee is completing required paperwork and will soon interview candidates for our new minister. An incredible amount of work is happening on buildings and grounds including flooding abatement, tree removals, and carpet and flooring replacement. Stewardship season is upon us with Frank Willis and Shirley Wu providing testimony on November 7 and 14 respectively. The Stewardship letter will go out next week, and Sunday November 21st, pledge cards will be returned during the service. To date, pledge income is down significantly, but expectations are it will pick up by the end of the year.
Eric Leininger
Senior Warden
Please Support the Community of St. John Baptist
To order, please email through this link:
News from The Episcopal Church
Gen. Colin Powell and his funeral at the National Cathedral
In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, we ask your prayers this week for The Anglican Church of Australia.
News from the Diocese of Newark
Diocesan Commission on Anti-Racism
In the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer, we ask your prayers this week in thanksgiving for the work of the pastoral ministry of The Rt. Rev. Carlye J. Hughes, 11th Bishop of Newark.